Thursday, December 1, 2022

VR Interactive Characters (Final Pass)

 This week for our VR project I focused on fixing the gingerbread man blueprint as best as possible. I changed his physics asset type to be set to kinematic so that his mesh is no longer folding or falling through the floor. He is no longer stuck in the Ducking animation when you go to grab him again.
I added an audio cue for when you enter his box colliders and an audio cue for when you grab him.
I create a Donkey blueprint and added a On Hit Component with an audio cue so that the audio cue is triggered when hit by a waffle. I set the component to trigger the audio cue only if a waffle collides with his mesh.
I added the new fireplace mesh into the scene and also added the new fire VFX to the fireplace. 

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Final Sprint Delivery

 For this sprint I did a final lighting pass, added a windy VFX and simple grass wind to the trees. I also created a panning/rotating staine...